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The study by Ituro Inoue (a collaborator from the Modern Human Genome team A01), et al., was published in Japan Economics Newspaper (The Nikkei).
An interview article on the research conducted by Ituro Inoue (a collaborator from the Modern Human Genome team A01), et al., was published in the online news special.
Shin’jiro Kazama, the co-researcher from the language team B02, published “Publications on Tungus Languages and Cultures 66” , "Publications on Altaic Languages and Culture 1" and "Publications on Altaic Languages and Culture 2".
Many members of the Yaponesian Genome project presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics, which was held at Yamanashi Univ.
A dialogue between Naoko Kinoshita (Professor Emeritus, Kumamoto University) and Director Masaru Nishitani of the National Museum of Japanese History was published in REKIHAKU published by the National Museum of Japanese History.
A study by Jun Ohashi (Associate Professor at Tokyo University, Graduate School of Science), the research representative from the Public Invitation team B04, was published in Asahi News (Evening edition).
Naruya Saitou, the General P.I., released a video introducing the study on modern human DNA of Yaponesian Genome, on the YouTube channel of his workplace - National Institute of Genetics.
The study by the corresponding author Ituro Inoue, professor at the National Institute of Genetics, and co-researcher from the Project Research team A01, was published in Nikkei Sangyo News.
We gratefully received a donation from Mr. Takashi Shirai from Fukui prefecture.
An article by the Project Research team A02 representative Ken’ichi Shinoda (Professor at the National Museum of Nature and Science), co-researcher Hideaki Kanzawa, et al., was published in Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.