
Ken’ichi Shinoda, the representative of team A02, and Tatsuhiko Hamada, the co-researcher from team B01, gave lecture at the Summer Special Exhibition of the Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture - “Welcome to the Country of the White Hare - The Excavated Akebono of Inaba”.


Ken’ichi Shinoda (National Museum of Nature and Science, Director), the representative of team A02, and Tatsuhiko Hamada (Tottori Prefectural Buried Cultural Property Center / Chief), the co-researcher from Archaeology team B01, gave lecture at the Summer Special Exhibition of the Osaka Prefectural Museum of Yayoi Culture - “Welcome to the Country of the White Hare - The Excavated Akebono of Inaba”. (夏季特別展示「白兎のクニへ-発掘された因幡のあけぼの-」)

Title: "The Excavated 'Wajin' and DNA Analysis - the Latest Research on the Aoyagamijichi Ruins - "   (「発掘された「倭人」たちとDNA分析-青谷上寺地遺跡の最新研究-」)